Feb 20, 2012

Taking One for the Team (NC-17)

For you ladies who are in your late 30s and those crossing that 40 line, stumbling down the same road I am, a bit of advice: stay away from guys in their early 20s.

It's harder to do than one would think. This seems to be a new rite of passage-- having sex with an older woman-- for these boys who are not yet weened off the keg. I get dozens of come-ons from these guys, so much so that I've edited one of the my dating profiles to include "if you are under the age of 30, do not contact me."

They ignore it. See what I mean? Too young.

Unfortunately, I didn't always ignore them.  I tried out a youngin' once or twice. Either I am tough to please or 20 year-olds just can't fuck a woman in her 30s.

They are too fast. They want to go from drink to penetration in 2 minutes, and they can't seem to slow it down. It's biologically impossible.

Believe me, they promise the world. They ride the I-am-the-young-and-energetic horse: he'll give me three orgasms before he even takes his pants off; I better rest up because he's gonna keep me up all night. I tell these guys that I've heard it before and it seldom turns out that way and they all say that they will be bringing more.

They don't.

When we women are in our 20s, we don't care how good or how long the sex is. As long as a guy wants to fuck us and he cums, we are satisfied. At that point in our lives, we are still blindly pursuing that marriage and family goal that all women are told from birth they want. We haven't yet stopped to think, "Do I really want to legally bind myself to another human being FOREVER?" Instead, we are panicking because our marriage and family plan-- drafted at 12 years old and yet to be revised-- is falling apart. That adds "crisis" to our search for identity. Therefore, approval is everything.  Ladies in their 20s still believe that sex = validation. We just want to be able to say that we are doin' it.

In our 30's, especially those late ones, we women would be ecstatic if men would do half the shit outside of the bedroom that they say they'll do. It would be blow-jobs all around. And in the bedroom? We want quality product not cheap accessories. A man can draw out the pleasure of even the simplest acts? Awesome. Great sex in missionary is still great sex. Skin on skin is sexy; so is that subtle touch weaving around my bra and undies. We don't need that validation anymore; we don't need to be fucked to feel worthy. We just want to have orgasms and enjoy ourselves.

If I want to cum in 2 minutes, I'll masturbate.

So my comrades on this journey--the 20-somethings are good for the ego, but that's it. And that ego boost does not transfer to the bedroom.

So boys, go get those young ladies. They are fun, they are adventurous, and what they need from you is very, very different than what a woman in her 40s needs.


Anonymous said...

Even though I'm a bit older (gasp!), I have been with a few young bucks. They do go from beer to penetration in T-minus. They are loads of fun, full of energy, but they only seem to want a notch on their belt. The "I fucked a cougar" notch. They're good for an experiment--a quick one.

TB said...

So if the young guys are too fast and the "older" guys can't get it up, then what is the "ideal" age?

Unknown said...

Well, I haven't tested the 40s crowd, but I say aim for early 30s. ;)

nuklehed77 said...

38 works for me. Man, did he know what he was doing.

Anonymous said...

Well, I am 33 and my hubby 37. Everything is wonderful as everything seems to be on level playing ground. I always tell my friends to make his age 4 to 6 years older than them.
Hugs and Kisses
Mistress Jazmin

nuklehed77 said...

Turns out Mr. 38 was great in bed - bad at life. Add that to the list of Mr. 37 who was both bad in bad and at life and Mr. 36 who was only OK in bed and a totally bad at life, and I'm going to play devil's advocate here: I think I'm ready for full of energy and looking for a notch. Men in their 30s suck. Its 20s or 40s from here on out. For reals.